Jeremiah 29:11 teaches that God has a good plan for our lives. The goal of our Children’s Ministry at First Baptist Church is to help our children to know and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We seek to guide them as they search out God’s plan for their lives. This is done through Sunday School, Kids on Missions, Vacation Bible School, and ongoing missions and outreach our children are involved in.
Sunday School
Preschool Class (3 years-1st grade) with Lisa Livingston, Lexi Cole, and Haley White, learning through “Explore the Bible.”
Children’s Class (Grades 2-5) with Betty Sauls, learning through “Explore the Bible.”
Children’s Church
Children’s Choir
Sundays, 5:00-6:00 pm – This ministry group for children rehearses weekly and performs music on special occasions, with April Patchen and Amber Hand.
Jesus called for the children and said to his disciples, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” What better way to teach our children about God’s love than by allowing them to experience it for themselves. It begins in the nursery where our children are cared for and loved by our Nursery Staff, then onto our preschool with 3 to 5-year-old classes.
We offer Sunday School, Mission Friends, Vacation Bible School, and other fellowships and celebrations throughout the year.
During Sunday morning worship, a nursery is provided for children up to 2 years old and Extended Session is available for children 3 years old to 2nd Grade.
Mission Friends
The children enjoy mission discipleship lessons on Wednesday evenings. We learn about missionaries in North America and around the world through Missions Journey: Kids, and we explore our place in missions here at church, in school, and our neighborhoods.”
Vacation Bible School
Information on our summer VBS can be found here.