Sunday School
Preschool Class (3 years-1st grade) with Lisa Livingston, Lexi Cole, and Hayley White, learning through The Gospel Project.
Children’s Class (Grades 2-5) with Betty Sauls, learning through The Gospel Project.
Youth Breakfast and Bible Study (Grades 6-12) Meet at at 9:30am.
Adult II—a co-ed class for couples and singles (High School Graduates through Mid 20’s-40’s).
Adult IV—a co-ed class for couples and singles (50’s-60’s), taught by Dr. Chris Roppe and Dr. Eddie Rentz, using Explore the Bible literature series
Adult V—a co-ed class for couples and singles (70’s-80’s), taught by Mr. Charles Hart and Mr. Mike Redwine, using Explore the Bible literature series
Queen Esther—for women only, taught by Ms. Regenia Warren, using the Explore the Bible literature series.
Fishermen—for men only, taught by Mr. Larry McCall, using the Explore the Bible literature series
Homebuilders—for women only, co-taught by Mrs. Sandy Brobston, and Mrs. Mary Ann Ellis, using the Formations literature series